A typical whole house window cleaning will take hours to complete. Infrequency of cleanings, neglect and overall condition of the windows will effect this timeframe. Infrequency of cleanings and neglect will result in damage to the entire window that no amount of chemicals, tools, buffing or expert cleaning will be able to fix. Our technicians will judge each location differently and spend an appropreate amount of time to provide the best possible cost effective solution to satisfy the needs of the customer. In order to provide quality service to our customers, New Jersey Window Cleaning technicians will clean the entire window area which includes the glass surface, frames, tracks, sills and sashes within a standard company time frame. Usually 5 to 10 minutes per window, per side. Our technicians are instructed to remove as much of the debris as humanly possible. New Jersey Window Cleaning instructs all its technicians to "Strive to make the glass invisible". Although this is a high standard, we will do the best that we can within the allotted time frame. If it were possible to leave every customers home with their windows looking brand new, we would. Windows with exessive amounts of dirt and debris will be charged more.
Click here for examples of neglected windows.